Only Together Can We Save Our Planet And Ourselves


Most of us are aware that we humans are co-creating the demise of ourselves and our planet. Mankind’s collective greed and audacious privileged behavior are stressing the earth to such an extent that any natural global warming trend is likely being amped up to the tipping point of making our earth inhospitable for man and many life forms. Yet even when we know that this self-made catastrophe is looming, we, as a whole, loathe being inconvenienced by the necessary change of habits that being eco-minded and part of the solution asks of us. Perhaps we take little action because the worst of climate change is not immediate or is not affecting us personally, or maybe we are either in denial or have simply lost all hope of making a difference. Whether it will be possible to tame our appetites enough to save our ailing home remains to be seen. But we have to try.

I recently watched David Attenborough’s “Life on the Planet,” 2020, on Netflix. Watch this amazing show! The ninety-four-year-old, world-renowned naturalist, did a brilliant job of showing both the beauty of our awesomely diverse planet, and also how the destructive forces of overpopulation, forest clear-cutting, overfishing, and carnivorous habits, are ruthlessly working together to push us toward the point of no return. It was indeed depressing to watch…. and then it got more hopeful. Mr. Attenborough, an apparent optimist, outlined the important steps that need to be taken to save ourselves and our planet.

1.Slow Population Growth. This is already happening to some degree so let us not interfere by encouraging families to have more children so that the older generation will be taken care of. Surely we can think of other solutions!
2.Shift to Renewable Energy. This is in the works as well but could be sped up if more of us got on board with shifting away from fossil fuels
3.“Rewild” The Earth. Have more no fish zones to keep fish populations healthy and return more farmland to the wilderness. If we ate primarily, not exclusively, a plant-based diet, both land and sea would be less stressed and, hence, more diverse and healthier.
4.Learn Best Farming Practices From The Netherlands. This tiny country has become the world’s second exporter of food due to its ever more innovative growing methods that use less space and fewer pesticides.
5.Stop Deforestation. Forests lock away carbon from harming the atmosphere.

Sir David admits that “the problem is immense, but we already have the knowledge and skills to halt and reverse it. We need to reexamine our relationship with nature, working with it instead of against it, to restore our planet to its former glory.”

The essential message then is to live more in harmony with nature. Yoga practice and principles can help us do just that! First of all by helping integrate body, mind, and spirit, second, to expand the integral knowledge that “ALL IS ONE", and finally, by giving us pragmatic, earth-friendly guidelines to live by.




You, Yoga, and the Planet Beautifully Aligned


How Yoga Enhances Eco-Mindedness