You, Yoga, and the Planet Beautifully Aligned


We need to live more in harmony with nature. Yoga practice and principles can help us do just that! First of all by helping integrate body, mind, and spirit, second, to expand the integral knowledge that “ALL IS ONE", and finally, by giving us pragmatic, earth-friendly guidelines to live by. The Yamas, the first five ethical principles of yoga, focus on our relationship with the outer world.  They serve as a vehicle to practice yoga alongside environmental mindfulness.

Taking from the wisdom of the Yamas, here are practical ways to get you into earth-friendly alignment:

Yoga’s first guiding principle, Ahimsa, reminds us to consider all living things and ‘do no harm’. In other words, be mindful of our words, thoughts, and actions, and treat ALL beings with respect. Some ways to treat the earth with respect are by gardening mindfully, buying local and in season, and making it a priority to reduce, reuse and recycle.

Yoga's second guiding principle, Satya, encourages us to speak, think and act in truthful alignment with our core values. Try to take a moment and think about things such as who makes your favorite yoga mat or clothes? Are they made in an environmentally responsible way? If not, speak up and take action - the earth needs us to be its advocate.

Yoga's third guiding principle, Asteya, advocates non-stealing and resisting coveting things that do not belong to us.  Don't leave a damaged and polluted earth for those that come next into this world.  You can calculate your carbon footprint here and research different ways to green your routine.

Yoga's fourth guiding principle, Brahmacharya, encourages us to consider how we actually use and direct our energy. Use your place in the yoga community to help the planet! Take a by-donation yoga class, with proceeds going to a worthy environmental cause.  Instead of scrolling through social media, use your time to research topics such as sustainable farming so you can help spread the importance of taking care of the earth. 

Yoga's fifth guiding principle, Aparigraha, teaches us to take only what we need, keep only what serves us in the moment and to let go when the time is right. Instead of over-consuming ask yourself - Do I really need this - drink (which comes in a plastic bottle), packaged food item, new car, etc. 

As the earth is the most precious resource we have, it is imperative that we treat her with the utmost kindness and respect.  Through inspired action influenced by the Yamas, it’s possible to align your yoga practice with the environment. When you do, you can make a positive impact in the world well beyond your yoga mat!


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Only Together Can We Save Our Planet And Ourselves